Can You Take Me And Make Something Beautiful

Can You Take Me And Make Something Beautiful. Pretend to be more confident until you actually feel that way. 'cause it feels like the world has gone crazy.

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'cause it feels like the world has gone crazy. Just keep up with as many of these changeable features as you can. The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth. And i don't want you and i don't need you. Take some time to care for.

A thing that reminds us there's good in the world.

If there ever were dreams. You can put on your best outfit, visit the salon for a new hairstyle, and invest in serious dental work. And it feels like there's nobody giving a damn that it's getting worse. Your picture can be a mirror back to that. You are everything that i'll ever need. Your backyard garden can be designed and decorated in a lot of beautiful ways and once you.

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